Ultracut-Autocut LEDs, Test Points & Switches
作者: 本站 來(lái)源: 本站 時(shí)間:2016年04月27日
Ultra-Cut – Auto-Cut LEDs, Test Points & Switches
CCM I/O PCB 19X2174
D1 GAS_ON Signal to turn on gas for GCM 1000.
D2 E-STOP_PS E-Stop OK to power supply.
D4 OK_CNC OK to Move relay (signal to CNC) on.
D15 PSR PSR relay on (sends pilot on to CNC).
D21 CNC_E-STOP Remote E-Stop (TB1-1 & 2) closed.
D23 CNC _START Start from CNC is on.
D26 HOLD_START Hold Start applied from CNC or THC.
D28 CNC_PREFLOW Turns preflow gas on prior to Start signal.
Test Points
All TP voltages except isolated TP’s (TP6, 7,8, 10) are relative to TP1.
TP1 Circuit common (gnd).
TP2 29-41 VDC (24 VAC input rectified).
TP3 +15 VDC
TP4 +5 VDC
TP5 -15 VDC
TP6 +15 VDC_ISO isolated (measure from TP10, isolated common).
TP7 -15 VDC_ISO isolated (measure from TP10, isolated common).
TP8 +16 to +18 VDC isolated, supply for isolated input section.
TP9 Analog Current Control signal, 0-3.3VDC, to CPU. From GCM 1000 Current Control Pot if SW11 set to “B” position or remote analog current control input if SW11 set to “A” position (used with SW8-2 on CPU board).
TP10 ISO_GND Common for isolated voltages (TP6,7,8).
TP11 Power supply negative (electrode) voltage.
TP12 Tip voltage.
TP13 Cut Demand to power supply.
TP14 Pilot Demand to power supply.
SW6 OK to Move selects contact closure (SW down) or DC Volts (SW up).
SW11 The default “B” position (up) selects Analog current control from
GCM1000. “A” position (down), along with CPU board SW8-2 on (up), selects Remote Isolated Analog Current Control from TP1-9 & 10 or J15-3 & 6.
SW12 Selects divided arc voltage ratio; 50:1 (default), 40:1, 30:1, 16.6:1 (used
for SC-11).
SW13 Ultracut – Autocut Configuration (-1) .
D11 on at power up while CPU is initializing then off.
D12 Status Code LED (same as front panel Status LED)
D13 +5 VDC Power
Test Points
TP1 GND (digital)
TP2 AGND (analog gnd)
TP5 +3.3VA voltage supply for analog circuits (relative to TP2).
TP6 TEMP_SENSE processor internal temperature signal.
TP8 CLKO processor clock output.
TP9 +15VDAC supply for D/A converters.
TP10 -15VDAC supply for D/A converters.
TP11 3.3V voltage supply.
SW1 Selects Auto Pilot Restart (-1) and Delayed Restart (-2,-3-4)
SW3 Select Preflow times
SW4 Select Postflow times
SW5 Selects Tip Saver (-1) & Off the Plate (-2). Neither of these are
implemented at this time (5-18-06).
SW8 Sets Pilot time (-1) and Remote Analog Current Control (-2).
SW9 OK to Move Delay. This is not implemented at this time (5-18-06).
GCM 2000 & 2010 Gas Control PCB 19X2219
D13 E-STOP_PS Power supply E-Stop is satisified.
D25 Plasma_Enable_PS Plasma enable is on.
D2-D12, D18-D23 Indicates signal sent to Solenoid drive circuit to turn on
Solenoid. It does not necessarily mean the solenoid is on.
It’s fuse could be open, the solenoid defective or an open
connection could prevent the solenoid being on.
Unfortunately diode numbers don’t match SOL numbers but on the PCB each of the solenoid drive signal LEDs are directly under the zero crossing isolation IC and the Triac for each SOL. The zero crossing isolation IC’s U # is the same as the SOL #. The triac’s Q # is also same as the SOL #. For example, U1 and Q1 turn on SOL1. The LED indicating SOL1 has been told to turn is D23 directly below U1.
Test Points
All TPs referenced to TP1, 4 or 5 unless otherwise stated.
TP1, 4, 5 Circuit Common (gnd)
TP2 120 VAC HOT (reference to TP3)
TP3 120 VAC RET (reference to TP2)
TP6 +5 VDC supply
TP7 -5 VDC supply (not on PCB after rev 19X2219 AE)
TP8 Plasma pressure signal 0-5VDC = 0-130 PSI
TP9 Solenoid Enable signal *
TP10 BCD Backlight signal
TP11 Mode Switch read signal *
TP12 Gas Switch read signal *
TP13 Solenoid Low Bank write signal *
TP14 Solenoid High Bank write signal *
TP15 BCD Low Byte read *
TP16 BCD High Byte read *
TP17 PCB Temperature signal (not used, removed after 19X2219 Rev AE)
These only in 19X2219 Rev AF and later.
TP18 Plasma Inlet Pressure signal (0-4.6V = 0-177 PSI)
TP19 Shield Inlet Pressure signal (0-4.6V = 0-177 PSI)
* These only used for factory troubleshooting, require logic analyzer to read.
SW1 Programming SW, both sections ON (up) for normal operation.
Power Supply PCB5
LED1 Coolant level.
LED2 Missing phase.
LED3 Input_NG
LED4 Chopper_Temp_Error
LED5 not connected
Test Points
TP0 Circuit common (gnd)
TP1 +5VDC supply
TP2 +15 VDC supply
TP3 -15 VDC supply
Power Supply Inverter Module
When signal /OCR to CCM is set (code 2-6), one of these LEDs will be latched on. In 150,200 & 300A supplies you can tell which inverter is causing the code by looking for the LED.
LED1 OCR_A Primary over current inverter section A.
LED2 OCR_B Primary over current inverter section B.
LED3 DCV_ERR Voltage imbalance between capacitor banks A&B.